What is the best programming language 2019? Why IT industry Prefor This Language???

What is the best programming language? Why IT industry Prefor This Language???


JAVA- Invented by James- Gosling Jr in 1995. Java is a general  purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically 
designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. The Java design philosophy is intended to let- application developers –write- once, run anywhere, meaning
 that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.
Java is -recommended as the first language for teaching or learning Object-Oriented Programming.
Java is currently the No- #1 most popular programming language on the -WorldWide


Python is a powerful- high-level -programming language that supports multiple paradigms such as object-oriented-imperative- functional and procedural programming.

Python is suitable for building web applications, games development, Data Science, AI and Machine Learning. Some large companies using Python include: Google- YouTube-Facebook- Tornado- Dropbox- Yahoo- NASA- IBM- Mozilla
Python is easy to learn and is recommended by -many universities for teaching programming as the first language.
Python is currently the 2nd most popular programming language on the WorldWide


Alongside- HTML and- CSS, - JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of -World Wide Web content engineering. 
Traditionally, JavaScript is used to make -webpages interactive and provide online programs, including video games on the front-end. The standard JavaScript -specification  is supported by almost all browsers.

JavaScript is gaining popularity with the introduction of Node-JS-a non-blocking open source, cross platform JavaScript- run time environment for executing server-side JavaScript -code.
Node.js is built on chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. V8 has ability to compile and execute JavaScript at lightning fast speed, because it compiles JavaScript into a native machine code, instead of interpreting it or executing it as  bytecode.
JavaScript is currently the 3rd  most popular -programming language on the  WorldWide

4. C#.NET

Pronounced as  C-Sharp, C# is a general-purpose, type-safe, object-oriented programming language developed at Microsoft in 2001- The goal of the language is programmer productivity. To this end, the language balances simplicity, expressiveness and performance. The chief architect of the language since its first version is Anders Hejlsberg creator of Turbo Pascal and architect of Delphi
The C# language is platform-neutral, but it was written to work well with the Microsoft .NETNET Framework.
C# is currently the 4th most popular programming language on the.worldwide


Swift - for – who-ever who -doesn’t like Apple or the fans  of- Apple -Apple is a big deal. 
The- reason  There is no denial to the fact that Apple sells insanely high number of devices every single year, be it is-MacBook MacBook - iPad,- Apple Watch or the much loved iPhone. To code for Apple, one needs to be well versed with the powerful and intuitive, Swift. Apple’s very own programming language, 
Swift includes modern features that developers love. The Apple market is on a rapid rise and demand for Swift developers is increasing drastically rather than marginally.
Swift  is currently the 5th most popular programming language on the.worldwide


PHP is widely used thanks to –WordPress-90% of the top- 10 million websites use PHP in some sort of way, including -Facebook and  - Wikipedia. There are no hard rules on how to build features, and it boasts flexibility in solving problems.  

It’s further used widely in a freelance capacity or for popular content management systems. It’s a great choice for web development as it’s mainly a server side scripting language
, forming the base of both -  WordPress  and  Facebook;
So for web development, learning  PHP is mandatory for success. Learning PHP puts you in the position to create stunning-dynamic websites and web applications. You can use PHP for various web development projects, including ecommerce, 
mobile -app development, content management system. It’s an open source, easy to learn, with an easy data base integration and has numerous applications and uses.
PHP Is currently the 6th most popular programming language on the.worldwide


C++ -it was created in 1983 as an alternative to -C, and instantly gained popularity, for good reason ,
It features predefined classes that can be used alongside classes a  programmer may- already be using. 
Microsoft Windows and Google Chrome are two of the most well known projects created with C++, and indeed- most -of  Adobe, and much of Amazon’s websites are written in C++. This programming language has remained in demand because it is a powerful tool that is adaptable in a variety of sectors, including Finance, Banking, Games, Telecoms, Electronic Banking, Retail, and more ,
Indeed, learning C++ enables you to code apps as well as games and commercial software with ease. It’s one of the most powerful languages out there, and hosts a variety of features, including being platform dependent, (i.e. the program is executed in the same operating system in which it was developed

C++ Is currently the 7th most popular programming language on the.worldwide


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of Toptechsearch. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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