What programming languages are used at Facebook? Where is each one used? facebook- wiki

 What programming languages are used at             Facebook?  Where is each one used?

 Facebook- was –in-famously - created with PHP and PHP is still the main   -
    nlanguage used.-although -various teams at 

 Facebook are -free to use other [languages as appropriate] -This means that Facebook as it exists now is a sprawling system implemented  - in  multiple language – but Php was the  used to must

What- programming-languages- are- used -at    -  Facebook .facebook- wiki
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 PHP is used  manly -for the front-end, Erlang- is used for- Chat-Java and -C++ are also used in several places [and perhaps other languages as well]-Thrift -is an internally developed cross-language framework that ties all of these different languages together, making it possible for them to talk to each other. 

 In Facebook –PHP-being a scripting- language, is relatively slow when -compared to code that runs natively on a server-HipHop converts   PHP into- C++   code -which can then be compiled for –better- performance.

They – use- off the shelf hard drives- and systems, more of the- coding is custom.

What- programming -languages -are- used at - Facebook.facebook- logo
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To introduce new features- C++ -was introduced some time –ago-at the backend aswell as the front end  [which is- ofcourse visible- in the source code of the webpage written as ]

Currently -their servers serve -5,00,000 photos - a second, and add more than 24tb of just the picture data every week,- they have to be pretty cautious about space.

OCaml - (programming language)- Haskell (programming language)-and Ruby (programming language)  are used internally, but as -far as I know they don't power anything available on- the website;

What programming languages are used at Twitter? /twitter- api/twitter- developer

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of Toptechsearch. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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